Monday, April 27, 2009

I can't do it anymore . . .

Colin Cowherd now irritates me so much that I prefer listening to Hays Barnard talk about how great mortgage rates are for the 9 millionth time during commercial breaks on the MSP than switching it over to 1080 for 2 minutes during my commute on 217 . . . does he even like sports? Does he watch games on TV? Is it just me or has he gone kind of nuts since his divorce? I used to like his show but it gets more inane by the day . . .

1 comment:

  1. I gave up on Herd a long time ago, can't stand him. I podcast PTI, Around the Horn, the BS Report, College Football Insider, and Football Today...Yeah they're a day old, but zero commercials, and zero freakin' Colin Cowherd.
