Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Fantasy football . . . the bane of my existence

So I play fantasy football just like the rest of America does now . . . however I do have to say the first year I played was way back in 1986 if you would believe it! They actually had a class at good ole Roosevlet Middle School in Eugene that really all you did was have a fantasy draft, follow your team and then learn how to keep score of a baseball game . . . the "final" was how well you scored the game. Well back to my original topic, this guy in our league let's call him Patrick has won the whole dang thing three years in a row. He is that guy in everyone's league who makes the random picks that make everyone laugh then they turn out to work (Chris Cooley, Joe Jerivicus) . . . he always goes on either early or late losing streaks and then somehow sneaks in to the playoffs and then erupts for a 120+ week . . . well the last two years I have dominated the regular season only to lose in the playoffs to him when his team explodes for huge points on the one week in the last 10 that my team loses. Now I am out all my money and he will probably win the league again . . . I really need to get in a league that rewards the regular season champ for something . . .

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