Saturday, March 27, 2010

Evie and the Ducks

This is Evie in at Hat Rock near Hermiston, Oregon:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Columbia River Gorge
Originally uploaded by pete4ducks.
We've been out of town the last three weekends which is quite the feat with a 3 year old and a 5 month old. I took this photo while we crossed from Washington in to Oregon on the Hood River Bridge. We spent a nice night in Hood River, then the next weekend we spent a night in Cannon Beach and then last weekend we visited family in Hermiston. Always nice to get out of the house but looking to an enjoy a weekend at home this week.

Man Those Picks Stunk

Looking at my picks below those are terrible. Only Kentucky left in my Final Four. Lots of change this month at the UO - two huge hires are out there and for the first time since 1989 Mike Belloti won't be part at Oregon. End of an era, I think Mike will be great on TV and I figure he'll probably stay in the Eugene area.