Well been busy with work, new house and the little one lately. Emily was very kind to me and bough me a Xbox 360 for my birthday. The day it cam out I used a gift card to Best Buy to get NCAA 2008. The game is sick, I played a little bit of Campus Legend before my roster file was procured and I really enjoyed how it would sim until your player actually made it on the field. Well as for the game play I have to say this is the best job of making a realistic football game (or maybe even sports for that matter) that I have seen. The AI is out of this world, actually I should say realistic, makes for a more fun game. No longer will throwing bombs and constant sending 5 WR's then running with your QB every play work, the AI will adjust to your tactics. At the time it is realistic so if you show a certain tendancy then switch it up you can burn the defense. I've found this works quite well, pound the ball in the line a few times on runs to get the safties up then go deep on third and short, works well!
Well I will spend the next month or so playing the game, researching up on the 2007 season and then will do my preseason predictions in late August!